jueves, abril 06, 2006

Conferencia en la red sobre el uso de la red en estudios universitarios

Cada vez se están desarrollando más conferencias en la red. Resulta curioso que nos sorprendamos aún de este tipo de eventos. Lo sorprendente sin embargo, como me comenta siempre un colega, es que siga habiendo tantas conferencias en las que durante unos cuantos días un montón de académicos se desplazan a lugares remotos para hacer ... ciencia.

Durante todo el mes de abril se desarrolla en la red la HigherEd BlogCon:
"HigherEd BlogCon 2006 seeks to engage the Higher Education community in a conversation on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, audio and video podcasts, social networks, and other digital tools in a range of areas in academe.
Modelled after Global PR Blog Week 2.0, HigherEd BlogCon 2006 will be held online, on this weblog, from April 3 to April 28, 2006.

During this year’s month-long event, participants from more than 30 institutions will publish articles, podcasts, and screencasts sharing their findings and experiences using these new technologies and inviting your participation through comments and questions.

All presentations will be made available on this website at no charge (with the exception of the live, web/audio CASE Online Speaker Series events)."

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